Henk Kraaijenhof ​- Peaking and Pressure: About Breakers, Benders, and Bloomers

In part two of his 2 part lecture for The Strength Coach Network, Henk Kraaijenhof discusses some personality factors that lead to people peaking in in sport. He begins discussing the role of adrenaline in this process, both the good and the bad of it, and what can contribute to both the good and the bad. Then he dives into the stress response, and it’s role in peaking and personality, and how important individuality is to that response.

These responses are task specific as well. He discusses where different responses can positively and negatively effect specific tasks. He then steps through how the three different categories of athlete’s respond in competition. He next touches ways to both increase and decrease arousal prior to competition, and how to allow your athlete’s to be more involved in the process.

He finishes off by giving us examples and how we know that the methods lead to success and some past experiences he’s had along with where he see’s where some people make mistakes when looking at stress and arousal levels.

We are hoping to provide the best possible content for strength coaches with each of our shows. If feel this could provide value for anyone else in the strength and conditioning field please feel free to share.

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