CVASPS Manual Vol. 5



THE MANUAL VOL. 5, is the fifth publication from Central Virginia Sport Performance. In THE MANUAL VOL. 5 you will find ten chapters written by fifteen world class individuals who have had an immense impact on the world of sport performance. As with everything that we produce, we are absolutely certain that this book will provide useful and applicable information to not only assist the readers in helping their athletes maximize their potential, but also drive better conversations between practitioner. This year’s volume of The Manual includes multiple chapters to help practitioners arrive at better conclusions in hot topics including: return to sport after injury (Chapters 3 and 4), speed development (Chapters 5 and 6), and how to increase transfer of training to the sporting event (Chapters 8 and 9).

Features of this book include:

  • Quick and concise chapters that are practical and easy to read.
  • 191 pages of practical considerations for strength and conditioning coaches to use immediately with their athletes.
  • In-depth examples and personal experiences from each author that the reader can easily apply to their own situations no matter what level the coach or athlete.
  • Brief bios for each author at the end of their respective chapter that describes the impact they have had on the strength and conditioning field.

The chapter list, including authors and titles is as follows:

Chapter 1: Standardization for Strength Coaches by Andrew White
Chapter 2: Using Actionable Data Sets to Close Communication Gaps Between Service Departments by Dr. Dustin Nabhan, David Taylor, and Sam Gardner
Chapter 3: Embracing Complexity: The Performance Therapy Playbook for Return to Performance Programming by Dr. Jas Randhawa
Chapter 4: Creating a Return to Play Framework by Nate Brookreson
Chapter 5: Sequenced Development of Sprint Speed from the Track to the Field by Dr. Brad DeWeese Dr. John Wagle and Dustin Perry
Chapter 6: Physical Movement Development: The Concepts of Rehearsal and Rhythm by James Radcliffe
Chapter 7: Accentuated Eccentric Loading for Strength Power Athletes: Theory and Efficacy by Dr. John Wagle and Dr. Brad DeWeese
Chapter 8: The Training Effect by Dr. Michael Yessis
Chapter 9: Team Sports: Not Our Fathers’ Transfer of Training by Jake Jensen
Chapter 10: Mentorship by Mike Thomson and Tim Pelot


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