Flashback Friday, The 2019 Seminar-Cheryl Zonkowski-Performance Dietitian Capabilities, what a performance dietitian has to offer you and your athletes

“Every single time a tactical athlete, a performance athlete, or any athlete asks you a question, they’re testing you.”

“Having data is great. What happens with that data?”

“If you’re not sleeping you’re never going to optimize your performance.”

In July of 2019 we welcomed Cheryl Zonkowski to The Seminar to discuss with us how we can better implement our dietitians within our performance team. Cheryl starts out by sharing with us what Performance Dietitian’s actually are, and what their field’s requirements are for them to practice. This leads her right into the role of Performance Dietitians. This is one thing that I think a lot of coaches have some slightly incorrect opinions and expectations of. Cheryl discusses everything from goal setting to menu selecting on the road and how/where the PD can be helpful, and where we sometimes misinterpret what they can do. She then runs down the rabbit hole of menu selection, how there are different standards for different teams, and where do “reward meals” fit into the schedule.

Cheryl then shares with us what goes on in individual consultations, starting with what the initial meeting with an athlete can/should consist of, and how that needs to impact what direction the PD will move in. This includes how body fat impacts decisions, the impact of the athlete’s mental status, how trips back home can be handled positively, the athlete’s nutritional history, and the role of sleep in all of this. This leads her right into technology, data, and what is really important with all of those in nutrition.  She finishes off with a just reminder of the basics that are important, including: sleep, recovery means, training cycles, the athletes relationship with foods, and different “party favors” kids get involved with.

This is an awesome presentation that not only opens the viewers eyes to what another member of our performance team can help us be better with, but what we can do if we have to “play that role” because we don’t have the luxury of having a Performance Dietitian. This sensational presentation a can be downloaded at the store tab under instant downloads, or can be found at https://strengthcoachnetwork.com/cvasps/

We are hoping to provide the best possible content for strength coaches with each of our shows. If feel this could provide value for anyone else in the strength and conditioning field please feel free to share.

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