Flashback Friday: The 2018 Seminar, Jeff Moyer-Perception and Action, seeing fast to move faster

“Sports is about movement and I believe that our job is about improving our athlete’s movement.”

DC Sports Training’s Jeff Moyer has been a rock in the support and building of everything associated with Central Virginia Sport Performance. At The 2018 Seminar we welcomed him to the stage to discuss how he uses training vision and perception with his athletes to improve their performance. Jeff is a coach who is not afraid to try different means and methods in order to improve the performance of his athletes.
Jeff shares with us his entire voyage into training perception with athletes that started with a tennis athlete’s evaluation by Ryan Harrison, and why improving this with your athletes is so important. Jeff dives deep into the connections between perception and action, and motor learning and control and how that “coupling” is always going on.
Jeff then spends 40+ minutes giving us examples of things he does to evaluate and train vision and perception with his athletes. These examples include the Brock String, training fine vs soft focus, visual information processing, stereoscopic cards for depth perception, and tracking. This also includes the relationship between fatigue and conscious thought on perception with athletes. Jeff has a ton of videos of how he’s using these different tools and methods with athletes of various levels and ages while utilizing different sport skills both in his gym and at practice.
This is a very underutilized tool and underappreciated aspect of training that many coaches over look, but if we are truly doing all we can to improve performance this is a huge connection between “agility” and “change of direction”. I couldn’t recommend coaches checking out this talk and reaching out to Jeff for more advise and direction on this topic.

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