Flashback Friday, The 2015 Seminar, Cal Dietz-Considerations in Regards to Triphasic Adaptation Responses

“You want to make the organism function at a higher level”

Cal Dietz joined us again in 2015 to give us the latest update in Triphasic Training and what he’s doing with his athletes. Cal begins the talk by diving into the programming of two different athletes and how they were completely different in every aspect, so they required very different methods. This leads him into how he’s looking to make more biological changes in the preparation of his athletes. All of this is tied together with the aerobic system. Cal dives into this and how they break it down and build it with athletes from a multitude of different events. This was the first talk (as far as I know) where Cal discussed the super maximal eccentrics.

Cal breaks down what biological adaptations he’s looking for in great depth and examples. These include:

  • Aerobic/Oxidative
  • Muscular/CT Adaptations
  • Cardiac Adaptations
  • Metabolic Adaptations
  • Endocrine Adaptations
  • Soft Tissue Adaptations

Cal finishes off with breaking down the loading model in his GPP with his athletes including different examples of how athletes “handled” the training and how it ties in with what he has seen in GPS with his hockey players.

For more or to pick up this awesome lecture follow the link here: https://cvasps.com/product/cal-dietz-considerations-for-various-adaptations-during-the-annual-cycle-digital-2/

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