Flashback Friday, 2018 Seminar, Keir Wenham-Flatt: A Strength Coaches Guide to Rehabilitation

“I don’t think anyone is going to be robust to the intensity demands of sport by being sat on their ass and not training.”

Six years after first meeting Keir at The Seminar I was really elated to have him on the docket for the 2018 edition of The Seminar. Keir’s voyage and time as a head of S and C has led him through many instances where he needed to implement return to play protocols. This presentation is a breakdown and step by step process of how K has done his work.

It starts with him sharing an instance where he made a mistake with an athlete that was “ready to go” and the athlete immediately injured themselves in a different manner once they were back in training. This occurrence brought him to reevaluate how he was handling athlete’s and how he can do better by the players. He then discusses the best form of rehab, and that is preparing the athlete to be more stress resistant and not get injured.

Unfortunately, that doesn’t always work out. This is where Keir gets into the meat and potatoes of his talk. The first part of this is going over how to evaluate what went wrong leading to the athlete becoming injured and the importance of metrics and data collection prior to injury in order to know when athlete’s actually “back.”

The next segment is a discussion on training and how it can be impactful, in a negative and positive manner, in injury prevention and rehabilitation. He utilizes a pyramid (taken from Tom Farrow) to show how he sees the progression back to competition and shares with us the matrix that he built for rugby based off the table looking at just about every bio motor demand of sport and gives us the reasoning and examples of requirements needed to move “up” the matrix. This includes a visual step by step up the matrix for and injured athlete’s on speed work, agility, strength training, and power. These videos give coaches a great step by step to build off of for each of their own progressions, or even a plug and play model that’s there for the taking.

The next aspect of return to play he covers is volume monitoring. Looking at team, positional, and individual player norms are key here, and Keir gives some fantastic examples of what he has looked at, and how he has evaluated the information. This includes how he dives into acute/chronic workloads (using two different ways of evaluating A/C), and how he evaluated it, how they progressed it with the injured athletes (with three different options), and what they saw with these progressions.

He finishes off by sharing with us an example how he has made modifications to the program using a dry erase board, the matrix, and communication across all levels of the staff to review what is best for the athlete to progress them as fast and safely though the matrix as possible.

The final 10 minutes is q and a where Keir discusses the roles of technique vs speed vs tactics vs conditioning in rehab, regressions and alterations within the matrix, advice on how to successfully come onboard with a new team/staff where there is come “changes” that need to occur, how to handle athletes who are taking their time in return to play, where med ball throws would fit, and where weight averages fit into the acute/chronic ratios.

This fantastic 90-minute lecture can be downloaded or found in The Strength Coach Network. A a member of The Strength Coach Networks, you can access over 200 hours of the highest-level lecture content just like this one for 48 hours for only $1 by following this link and using the code CVASPS at sign up.

We are hoping to provide the best possible content for strength coaches with each of our shows. If feel this could provide value for anyone else in the strength and conditioning field please feel free to share.

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