Flashback Friday 2018 Seminar, Devan McConnell-Digging Deeper with the Data

“Sport science and data should never take the place of coach’s intuition, should never take the place of conversation, communication, and relationship building.”

In July of 2018 we welcomed Devan McConnell to The Seminar to discuss how he has built a monitoring system from the ground up at a smaller school. Devan jumps right in by giving the important definitions in the field, and why’s he implements a monitoring system. After we understand the basics to it Devan breaking into the four monitoring tools he uses in both, what he calls the front end and back end.

Devan then shares with us what they actually look at and the thought process behind each of them and what they’re doing with the data. This starts out with a basic wellness questionnaire (front end) and RPE (back end), and Devan shares how it impacts their day to day, impacts conversation, and helps mold how they load their athletes. The next aspect of his monitoring program he touches on is their jump monitoring/profiling. He gives a step by step break down of what type of jumps they use in the front and back end of the monitoring process. He also shares with us the equipment they have to implement the evaluation with, and how it impacts how they’re adapting the training (both daily and with programing on a global scale) with each of their guys and the why’s behind each of those. The third layer is their heart rate data form practice and training. Devan breaks down what they look a including their “quick hitters” that they look at to evaluate fitness, the front end being training, and the back end being fatigue management and evaluating how the guys are “wired” to help look into how the players handle particulars of the game including Acute: Chronic workloads. The fourth, and final piece he discusses is velocity-based training with Gymaware, and how it increases competition within the team (front end) and force velocity profiling (back end). Devan finishes out the talk sharing with us how he looks at the data based on the time of year to help drive his decisions and communicate it to his coaching staff.

This is a sensational look behind the curtain of how a coach has built a monitoring system from the ground up with minimal budgetary stress. If you’re looking to look deeper into your athletes I couldn’t recommend this presentation enough. You can find this sensational 58 minute lecture in our store to be downloaded or found in The Strength Coach Network. A a member of The Strength Coach Networks, you can access over 200 hours of the highest-level lecture content just like this one for 48 hours for only $1 by following this link and using the code CVASPS at sign up.

We are hoping to provide the best possible content for strength coaches with each of our shows. If feel this could provide value for anyone else in the strength and conditioning field please feel free to share.

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You can find sensational content just like this in The Strength Coach Network. As a member of The Strength Coach Networks, you can access over 200 hours of the highest-level lecture content just like this one for 48 hours for only $1. Follow the link below to sign up and use the code CVASPS at check out to get a 48 hour trial for only $1. Check out The Strength Coach Network Here! https://strengthcoachnetwork.com/cvasps/

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