Bryan Mann: Training Holistically, There’s No Magic Bullet

Dr. Mann brings us a fantastic overview of the general physiology involved in muscular action, and the simple methods that help enhance each of those aspects.

All to often coaches are looking for a fancy and exciting new training means or method to improve multiple qualities in their athletes, the problem with this is that it doesn’t truly exist, but, as Dr. Mann shows, the answer is in the basics of science. He reviews the general make up of muscle and the sliding filament theory, the role of sarcoplasmic reticulum and how to train it, the size principle, rate coding both as intra and inter muscularly, and then breaks down some issues with training.

Dr. Mann discusses what he see’s as the reasons why many coaches limit what they look at when it comes to evaluating programming, and gives a practical example as to a way to correct the problems he lists. He also gives examples of different training he has done with his athletes, some with success, and some without to give coaches a perspective on deciding for specific directions in training that can lead to great results, no changes, or decreases in outputs, and how to help decrease the duration and/or occurrence of plateaus in your athlete’s training programs.

He closes out discussing the importance of balance, that the “magic bullet” doesn’t exist, and that massive and quick gains only occur when there is a major deficiency.

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