Flashback Friday, The 2015 Seminar, Andrew Althoff- Baylor Performance: Past, Present, and Future

“The Present, this is where we are at, The Wizard of Oz. What I’m going to show you guys this is what we actually do. No smoke, no mirrors. It’s going to be really clean and simple, and you’re probably going to be underwhelmed, but we try to keep it really simple and really clean don’t do anything fancy and it works. A simple plan executed violently, is better than executed a plan next week that’s perfect.”

Andrew Althoff provided a great breakdown on how the program at Baylor has been built and where they see it going. After a brief intro Andrew dives right into how and where they started, and what were the corner stones of their program they built off of. This step by step breakdown and self-evaluation starts with day one when the four people on staff had to be patient and count sets and reps to where they are now with 22 people on staff. This answers a question that we had as a staff at the time, and that is, “how is it that these groups go from being small to so massive?” Andrew’s step by step break down includes everything to staff selection and development, programming and how it has progressed from one “team” program to the multiple steps it is today, where and how they built the culture of the program, monitoring and how it evolved with their athletes and coaches, how these tie together and impact how they manage their athletes in every realm from nutrition, to training, to rehab.

This is a fantastic look behind the curtain for everything they’ve built at Baylor and one that I highly recommend for coaches looking to expand and build their department to learn from the past steps used to build one of the best in the country.

For more on this awesome lecture follow the link here: https://cvasps.com/product/andrew-althoff-baylor-performance-past-present-and-future-digital-2/

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