THE DREW REVIEW- Crush It: Why Now is the Time to Cash in On Your Passion, by Gary Vaynerchuk

drew-review“Love your family. Work superhard. Live your passion.” – G. Vaynerchuk

When I saw the title of this book I thought that it would be another example of cliché after cliché being thrown in my face which is typical of most “self-help” books.  I was left with a great sense of personal confidence and wanting to hypothetically “crush it.”  Although the book is geared towards someone wanting to start a business, there are a lot of practical information anyone can use to refocus their own unique situation to succeed in life.  Maybe you have never thought of building your brand, or you don’t even know what building your brand means…. this book will help you utilize the tools of today (specifically social media) to cash in on your passion and love the work you are doing.  Hopefully you are doing something you are passionate about and loving every minute of it, but if you aren’t this book can help you use the tools the internet provides to home in on your passion.

5a0b080b-dc08-49b9-8dce-d594ad8f03e0I did not know who Gary Vaynerchuk was before I read this book, after reading Crush It, I would love to meet the guy.  He has passion and you can tell from the content in this book.  The book is based on the simple fact that the reader wants to either start a business or become more valuable to the company they work for.  Of the 13 chapters, the first three are about you the individual and how you need to find your passion if you haven’t already and be true to where you come from (family heritage and upbringing).  Throughout the rest of the book are examples and scenarios where the internet can assist you in building your brand, creating useful content, establishing a platform, and much more.  Strength coaches with a  passion for anything related to the field or maybe even outside the field should read this book, it may just change your life.

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