​Coaches Corner #5-Jay DeMayo​ ​University of Richmond ​Front and Side Lunges

In our fifth installment of The Coaches Corner I go over two more specialized exercises I learned from Dr. Yessis and Yosef Johnson, the front and side lunge. These two exercises are slightly different in set up and execution of the typical lunges we see in training programs.  In this 14 minute break down I go over the set-up and equipment required, how we progress the exercise, and some common corrections we need to make.

We start out sharing how we use these in the “holds” part of our program. Owning the positions, we ask our athletes to get into in training is very important, and we start out teaching the lunge positions right away once our student athlete’s step on campus. We find a huge ROI with this exercise and the simple cues that we use to help improve their ability to hold the positions as they progress.

The next step is to utilize the active cords. The different equipment and set up is covered, along with how I teach and prescribe the exercise. This includes the entire progression that I use with my athletes when utilizing these exercises and some examples that other coaches have used as well. This easy three step process has shown great carry over in cutting an acceleration, as I spoke about at the 2015 BSMPG.

We are hoping to provide the best possible content for strength coaches with each of our shows. If feel this could provide value for anyone else in the strength and conditioning field please feel free to share.


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