My Thoughts Monday #22- Keir Wenham-Flatt, University of Richmond-Five Reasons To Implement The Minimal Dose

“It’s a fact that every new exercise, every amount of frequency, every amount of intensity, every amount of volume, has a limited ability to elicit adaptation within the athlete. Every time we use it we have begun on the path to reaching a point of zero return, or diminishing return.”

gymawareThis My Thoughts Monday is brought to you by GymAware, the leading tool to measure your athlete’s weight room performance. Learn more about “The Rolls Royce” of bar velocity monitoring here:

For this weeks My Thoughts Monday brings Keir Wenham-Flatt, gives us the five most imprortant reasons why to implement the minimal amount of stress necessary to your athlete’s in their training. These five are:

1) Prioritizing the stuff that matters

2) Long term adaptation in the program

3) Maximizing potential upside vs minimizing potential downside

4) “Wiggle Room”

5) Intensity

Mr. Rugby Strength Coaches dives down each of these rabbit holes. He shares where he sees each of these fitting in and how, when looking at these, coaches can be more successful in the development of their athletes.

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