Episode 60: Dr. Bryan Mann, University of Missouri-VBT Updates and Announcements

b-mann-logoWe have three major announcements in this edition of The Podcast!

First, Dr. Bryan Mann is releasing the 3rd copy of VBT! If you utilize VBT I don’t have to tell you how great of a recourse this is. Pick up a copy of VBT Vol 3 today here:


Second, Dr. Mann will be presenting at The 2017 Seminar and you get get choose the topic! We reviewed the two directions he can go in. Cast your vote here to decide which presentation he will give at The 2017 Seminar here:


And last, but not least, remember that The NSCA Coaches Conference is just around the corner. Dr. Mann talks about his talk there along with all the special interest group happenings and the elections going on. Ton’s of great stuff going on in the NSCA! Please help support these people who are trying to push the profession in a positive direction! Check out the info on the Coaches Conference here:


We are hoping to provide the best possible content for strength coaches with each of our shows. If feel this could provide value for anyone else in the strength and conditioning field please feel free to share.

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