Episode 199- Cam Josse- Reverse Engineering The Entire Game

“Instead of giving them a bunch of coaching cues at first, give them the principle of the idea first and work backwards from there.”

“The what, then follows, the why”

“Everybody says work backward from the game, but not everyone has a road map to do that.”

This episode of The Podcast is brought to you by Exxentric, the makers of the kBox and kPulley. Exxentric is the world leader in fly wheel training technology providing multiple pieces to fit your budget and needs to better serve your athletes. North American customers looking for more info should contact Andreas at [email protected] or 503-739-1391. All others, or to learn more about the kBox, kPulley and flywheel training, please go to their website at: https://exxentric.com/.

Today we are joined by Cam Josse to discuss with us programming and how to reverse engineer an entire sport to develop athletes. Cam starts out by discussing with us how the voyage from reading a book to writing a book with Fergus Connolly has changed his outlook on training. This leads him directly into the idea of reverse engineering the sport, what that means to the principles of his training program, and where are some mistakes that he has observed some coaches making with this. He includes how teaching them the tactics and the idea’s of creating and constraining space has changed not just how he teaches his athletes movement skills, but has improved how his athlete’s understand what they’re trying to get them to do. Cam then talks about the cognitive and psychological aspects of training, and how that can be a huge factor in the transfer of training to competition. Make sure you subscribe to his YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1pirpwMZtLqkjrJSBIV3aA 

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