Episode 153- Andreas Ohgren- aoperformance.se- Having Fun and Getting Results Don’t Have To Be Independent

“You need to go to the gym to train to get better on the ice, not to go to the gym to train to be better at the gym.”

This episode of The Podcast is brought to you by Exxentric, the makers of the kBox and kPulley. Exxentric is the world leader in fly wheel training technology providing multiple pieces to fit your budget and needs to better serve your athletes. North American customers looking for more info should contact Andreas at [email protected] or 503-739-139. All others, or to learn more about the kBox, kPulley and flywheel training, please go to their website at: https://exxentric.com/.

Today we discuss training, and it’s role in developing hockey players with Andreas Ohgren. After an introduction and a break down as to what drove him to becoming a trainer Andreas jumps right into the in’s and out’s of how he develops hockey players. Andreas shares with us methods that he’s had great success with guys who are NHL All-Stars and Stanley Cup Champions, and just just what they are doing, but how he came up with the “methods”, and what the success rates his athlete’s have had implementing it with actual examples of the results. We then discuss the relationship between the players personal coach and the teams strength and condoning coach, how he’s developed those relationships, some road blocks that he has had with them, and how these relationships evolve around the athelte. Andreas has an awesome IG account where he shows and shares these methods almost daily, make sure to check him out at @pt_andreas because he gives out some awesome FREE content there. 

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