Episode 123-Brett Bartholomew, ArtOfCoaching.com- The Cold War Between The Art and Science

“If communication was easy, then why are do so many misunderstandings occur?”

In this weeks edition of the podcast I get to sit down with 2017 Seminar presenter Brett Bartholomew and discuss the tug of war going on in the field when it comes to the “Art vs Science” debate. After a brief catch up Brett shares with us his latest project, Bought In. After we get through where the course came from and how it connects to the book we talk about how this course can be a huge positive for coaches. This leads us right into the discussion of art vs science. Brett, as only he can do, breaks down better ways we can communicate and reasons why with not just scientific backing, but in great anecdotal examples that he has personally seen in coaching. This is why I am sure that this course is going to be an absolute home run. Make sure you check it out at the link below, I’m sure this is something that you will not want to miss out on:


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