My Thoughts Monday #30-Jay DeMayo, University of Richmond- Who’s Fault Is It?

“Understanding what your specific skill set is and what you can provide for someone is one thing, but if they don’t understand it and they don’t understand: A) what the skill set is, or B) how it can be of value, how is it any way shape or form their fault when they look at it and are like “no I don’t want that” or “this isn’t important”?”

gymawareThis My Thoughts Monday is brought to you by GymAware, the leading tool to measure your athlete’s weight room performance. Learn more about “The Rolls Royce” of bar velocity monitoring here:


Today I discuss a conversation that we have had in our office of late about who’s fault is it that admin and coaches may not understand what we, as strength coaches, do for our My Thoughts Monday. This seems to be a universal discussion that I have with coaches around the country, that other aspects of the department do not really understand what we are doing, why we are doing it, and what we can be doing better. To that, I ask the simple question, who’s fault is it? I share a couple things that we are starting to do, and how we are going to, hopefully, move forward to help better educate the coaches and administration on what we are able to do in hopes to drive deeper conversations. 

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