You Got to Know When To Hold ‘Em…

Kiefer is one smart dude, period.

I just finished reading an article by a man many of us refer to as Kiefer on EliteFTS  (you can check it out here, if you haven’t I highly recommend  you do).  In this article “Logic Does Not Apply III: A Calorie is a Calorie” Kiefer talks about how a calorie isn’t simply calorie, and how depending on the macronutrient breakdown of your diet, you can actually become more or less efficient with the food you eat.  This is the premise for his two nutrition program, which I will get into in much more depth at a later date, is based around this.  I have a bit of experience with his nutrition plans, as he and Jesse Burdick have been assisting me with my these strategies. We’re doing this in order to evaluate how I handle the protocol; from there, we’ll start to experiment with ways we can possibly alter it for the student athletes I work with who have body composition issues.  That is not what I want to talk about for the article today though.

Kiefer has a great quote in the article that really hit home with me. The third paragraph reads:

Looks like the man figured out what he “didn’t know”

“And stupidity propagates myths because people in the United States, even though we rank almost last in all educational standards, rank first in confidence, making us believe that our opinions double as fact. Who would ever think to say, “I don’t know,” when they actually don’t know? Obviously it’s better to make something up based on hunches, assumptions with a touch of fact sprinkled on top to make it more appetizing. I won’t pretend to be immune. I’ve done it before. It took me a long time to learn to say, “I don’t know,” which turns out to be the most valuable thing I ever learned.”

Kiefer and my relationship is a direct result of the Central Virginia Sport Performance Seminar.  I was introduced to Jesse Burdick at the 2011 Seminar by a person who at times could be called “Angry”.  This “Angry” man then passed information on to me to contact Kiefer.  Listen, Kiefer is smarter than you are; if not, then you should be writing the A.I. code for Amazon and fixing the U.S. Economy.  His intelligence and education is set aside though by the idea of being able to say, “I don’t know.”  How many coaches out there come up with a bull shit reason for doing something without any facts?  Let’s be honest, everyone does.

One of Kiefer’s two books, or should I say, what he “found out”

Now, what does this have to do with  The answer is simple.  There are many things that I do not know personally, and many things that I believe our profession as a whole needs to become better at understanding.  Now, I may be off when I say this, but think about it.  How many people really understand how to implement corrective exercises into their program while still training athletes to get stronger, faster, AND improve performance?  I think I have an idea, but I can’t say that I know or am an expert.  Are you?  Energy system development is such a tricky subject to begin with that when you tag on all the “fad” ideas to it as well, who knows what’s what.  Can you actually tell me, really tell me, what qualifies an athlete as “low preparation level” vs. “high preparation level” let alone somewhere in the middle?  I’m guessing not, but if you can, how can you distinguish what special strength work they are ready for, or what they should do so they can still build up it later?  This is why I am bringing Mike Robertson, Cal Dietz, Joel Jamieson, Landon Evans, and Dr. Natalia Verkhoshansky to present at the 2012 Seminar.  I’m bringing them in because they’re smarter than me, they’re better than me, and  they’ll help me and my staff here become better. Most importantly, though, they’ll help you become better, and help our profession become better.

“I don’t know” built this seminar

I have learned to say “I don’t know” and hunt down people who do.  This is what people need to do.  Don’t just find the “cookie cutter” program- find people who are the “experts”, the people who are the best of the best, the REAL best of the best, and learn from them.  In 2 years I can tell you my eyes have opened up to a whole new world when it comes to the physical preparation of my athletes because I learned to say, “I do not know, but I’m going to find out.”  So get off your butt and start finding the people that know what you don’t, and you might just learn something in the process. On April 27th and 28th of 2012 in Richmond Virginia, you’ll have the opportunity to learn from these individuals alongside me and my staff.  We’d love to have you here and we’re sure you’ll come out of the seminar with plenty of answers, and, hopefully, even more questions on topics you want to figure out.  Oh, and if you missed it, that is the whole line up listed above.  I know we haven’t “profiled” everyone, but that’s it, so be on the lookout for the interviews with Landon Evans and Dr. Natalia Verkhoshanksy in the upcoming weeks.

We are hoping to provide the best possible content for strength coaches with each of our shows. If feel this could provide value for anyone else in the strength and conditioning field please feel free to share.

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