The Drew Review: The Manual Vol. 3 Chapter 2: Done That…and Continuing To Do It by Bob Alejo

“If you tell me what it is I’ll tell you what we used to call it.” –B. Alejo

Chapter 2 of The Manual Vol. 3 is a smack in the face back to reality and speaks to everything strength coaches are doing today is some type of adaptation that has already been previously done. In Alejo’s experience a lot of things he was doing in the 1980’s is as applicable now then they were back then. Topics such as; periodized training, speaking the language of sport, designing programs from test data, and tiered programming are just a few of the topics covered in this chapter. The description of each topic is brief, and I wish Alejo would have chosen one or two topics and covered them in greater detail, but the idea is to drive communication. I always appreciate when an author provides contact information within the chapter (which the author of this chapter writes @Coach_Alejo for his Twitter handle) because it shows they aren’t producing this writing to hide behind the keyboard; they want the dialogue to continue after you have read the chapter. If you are a strength coach who wants ideas for creating true training results look to the past, fortunately for you Bob Alejo gives you the topics to think about.

For more and to order your copy of The Manual, Vol. 3 follow the link here:

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