The Drew Review: Managing Oneself by Peter F. Drucker

“Successful careers are not planned. They develop when people are prepared for opportunities because they know their strengths, their method of work, and their values”- P. Drucker

There are some books, which honestly; I will never read again, simply because the subject matter wasn’t very appealing to begin with or I didn’t get the sense there was much to offer outside of reading the words once. Then there are books like Managing Oneself, which I put in the list of “books to read every year.” The timeless lessons you will learn from reading this book go beyond just the way you approach work, these lessons can be applied in everyday life no matter what the circumstance. Drucker is someone who has written many books (34 published to be exact), but this one seems to keep popping up and for good reason.

Managing Oneself is more of an article than an actual book. First appearing in the Harvard Business Review in 1999, Drucker offers the reader guidance in finding the career that is best for them. Only spanning 56 pages, you have no excuse about time it takes to read this book. Each section offers a different component for the reader to consider. Such as, what are your strengths, how do you work best, and how do your values determine where and what you should be doing? Strength coaches looking to read a) a short book and b) something that can be of help to them personally, should pick up a copy of Managing Oneself, you won’t be disappointed.


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