Introducing 2014 Presenter, Val Nasedkin

Today I am excited to reintroduce Val Nasedkin. Val Nasedkin, a former decathlete at the national level for the former Soviet Union, is the co-founder and technical director of Omegawave, a pioneering company in the field of functional preparedness and readiness in athletes. He has been a guest lecturer on the principles of training at numerous sport science and physical education universities around the world, and frequently acts as a consultant to Olympic committees, sports federations and national and professional teams for various sports including Dutch Olympic Committee, United States Track and Field Olympic Committee, EPL, Serie A and La Liga teams (Medical Staff), Autonoma University (Barcelona, Spain), Duke University (North Carolina, USA) and University of Calgary (Canadian National Sports Center). After a knock out performance at The 2012 Seminar Val is back to discuss program design and periodization. If you were in Boston this spring, Val will be continuing off of that great presentation, where he discussed training means. We are really excited to have Val back on the docket and can not wait to have him back on campus.

JD: Val! Welcome back to The Seminar! We’re really excited to have you back my friend. Before we get going, let’s catch up everyone on what has been going on with Val for the past 2 years.

VN: Hi, Jay. The most important thing that happened to me is the relocation to Finland. This allowed us at OW to invest into more research projects so more cool things will be coming out this year. Also I am excited to have our new scientist on board. His name is Dr. Roman Fomin and he will be responsible for validation of our training concepts. That means we will be presenting more and more educational and research articles as well as case studies that eventually will be put into book.

JD: Not only will you be translating, but presenting as well. If you could please, give us a quick taste of what to expect. (The implementation and periodization of Victor/Your methods).

VN: Well I can only talk about my part as I haven’t seen Victor’s presentation yet ( I am sure it will be great and give you different perspective on the training process).
On my side I would like to expand on my presentation in Boston last year by going into more details on the process of building a training approach.

JD: Ever since we met, you’ve spoken very highly of Victor. Talk to us about your relationship, how it started, where it started, and how he has influenced your programming.
In 2004 I read 3 pages of discussions between Victor Nikolaevich (Seluyanov) and one of the Russian coaches. Trying to create and systemize my own approach to the training process, this paper made a lot of sense to me.

VN: I really liked the approach he was proposing as it could fit well in my own assumptions. So I applied the training stimuli he was proposing to the methodology I was working on at the time and got positive results. Nowadays, Victor is contributing to OW knowledge. He is part of our coaches and scientists round table, and he will be writing a monthly column for OW Academy(out in the first quarter 2014)

JD: Everyone in the Omegawave community knows you as the go to resource when we have questions. When people begin to monitor their athletes, what are two things that you would advise them of right off the bat?

VN: I think the most important thing is to understand is the big picture of athlete preparation. Details are important but to be able to use them appropriately we need to figure out how they fit in the overall training philosophy. It is important to choose the right exercises(detail) but it is much more important when to use them and how much (big picture)

JD: I Can’t wait to have you back on campus Val, and am really excited to hear what you have to say. Any closing thoughts?

VN: I am looking forward to talking about training and not OW for once!

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