Introducing 2013 Presenter, Dr. Michael Kalinski

Today we would like to introduce 2013 Seminar presenter Dr. Michael Kalinski. Dr. Kaliniski is currently a Professor of Exercise Physiology at Kent State University. Prior to his tenure at Kent State, Dr. Kalinski at the Kiev State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport, first as a student, and then as a professor and department chair. With an extensive background in biochemistry, energy metabolism, and ergogenics, Dr. Kalinski is a fantastic addition, and one that certainly will bring a fascinating presentation to our attendees.

Michael Kalinski, Ph.D., FACSM, born 1943 (Ukraine). Fulbright Scholar, Honorary Professor and Honorary Doctor of Bukovinian State Medical University of Ukraine, Life Member of NAPESS, India.
Dr. Kalinski has been a tenured Professor of Exercise Physiology at Kent State University since 1998.

JD: Dr. Kalinski, if you could, please give our readers a little background information about yourself, what your niche in the world of athletics is, accomplishments, how you got there, education, any products you have available, and/or notable publications.

Sports: Modern Pentathlon.
Education: BS in Physical Education and Sport in Coaching (Modern Pentathlon) from Kiev State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport in the capital of Ukraine – Kiev.

BS in Biology from Shevchenko National University (Kiev).

MS in Exercise Biochemistry, PhD in Exercise Biochemistry from Institute of Biochemistry of National Academy of Science (Kiev).
Professional positions in Ukraine: Professor and Chair of the Department of Exercise Biochemistry of the Kiev State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport in the capital of Ukraine (1972-1990).

Vice President for Research of the same Institute (1987-1988)
Research area: Exercise Biochemistry, Exercise Endocrinology, Exercise and Cellular Mechanisms of Muscle Injury.

As a graduate student I was fascinated by the work of Harvard Medical School physiologist Walter Cannon, who coined the term homeostasis – one of the most enlightening concepts in physiology. My MS thesis: “The study of metabolism of catecholamines and their role in the adaptation to exercise” was directly inspired by Cannon’s studies on epinephrine and his concept fight or flight.

My PhD dissertation “Adenylate cyclase system of skeletal muscle and heart during exercise” was inspired by the work of Earl Wilbur Sutherland, professor and director of the pharmacology department at the Western Reserve School of Medicine in Cleveland, OH. In 1958, while at Western Reserve, Sutherland made the discovery that would lead to his 1971 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine “for his discoveries concerning the mechanisms of the action of hormones.” It was at that time that Sutherland isolated a previously unknown compound, called cyclic adenine monophosphate (cAMP) and proved that it had an intermediary role in many hormonal functions. At the Laboratory of Muscle Biochemistry at the Institute of Biochemistry in Kyiv, I started my pioneering studies in early 1970’s on the effect of acute exercise and exercise training on cyclic adenine monophosphate (cAMP). My studies were recognized in the USA by a prestigious ACSM International research award: a 90-minute-long presentation – a personal colloquium at the ACSM Annual Convention in 1993. Soon my investigations on the metabolism of cyclic AMP and properties of cAMP-dependent protein kinase of cardiac and skeletal muscle during exercise training were published by Human Kinetics monograph in 1995.
Publication record:

81 published papers; coauthored 10 books and textbooks.

Notable research monographs:

Kalinski, M.I., Antipenko, A. Ye., Dunbar, C.C., Michielli, D.W., Exercise and Intracellular Regulation of Cardiac and Skeletal Muscle (by Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc., Champaign, IL, USA), 1995.

Morozov, V. I., Kalinski, M.I., J. Peake Exercise and Cellular Mechanisms of Muscle Injury (by Nova Science Publishers, New York, USA) 2011.

Notable collaborative textbooks:

Human Biochemistry – (by Medical Publisher, 743 pages, Kiev, Ukraine), 2002.

Sport Biochemistry (by Physical Culture & Sport Publisher, 384 pages, Moscow, USSR), 1986.

Co-Editor of the book: Exercise Physiology and Nutrition, Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on Sports Sciences, Commonwealth Games, Delhi, India, 2012.
Accomplishments and international service:

Awarded a prestigious Fulbright Grant of the Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES) of the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship, Washington, DC, 2006.

Organizer and Chair of the Exercise Biochemistry Symposium at the International Convention of Science, Education and Medicine in Sport (ICSEMIS) in Glasgow, United Kingdom, 2012.

Organizer and Chair of Exercise Physiology Symposium at the14th International Conference on Sports Sciences before Commonwealth Games in Delhi, 2010.

Conferred as LIFE MEMBER of National Association of Physical Education and Sport Science of India, 2012.

Member in the international advisory boards of seven refereed journals in Europe, Asia and Latin America.
Other interests: Sport Nutrition, Ergogenic Aids.
Books on Sport Nutrition and Ergogenic Aids:

Fahey T., Kalinski M. I., Fahey M. Sport and Exercise Physiology: Performance-Enhancing Substances, Encyclopedia of Life Support System, UNESCO-EOLSS, Paris, France, 2012 (in press).

Kalinski, M.I., C.A. Conn. Ergogenic Aids (by Sport Publisher, New Delhi, India), 2008.

Kalinski, M.I. Nutrition, Health, and Exercise, (by Science Publisher, Ukraine), 1990.

Kalinski, M.I., Pshendin, A.I. Nutrition of Athletes, (by Health Publisher, Ukraine), 1985.

JD: Your primary expertise is in Exercise Biochemistry. Could you please give a brief rundown of how it may be related to the preparation of an athlete?

MK: This time I want to focus primarily on hormonal regulation of metabolism, including energy metabolism, during exercise. The endocrine system is one of the most important systems in the body, mediating almost every physiological function. It integrates the influences of diet and exercise on the storage, mobilization, and utilization of metabolic fuels, turnover and growth of skeletal muscle, mitochondrial biogenesis, and reproductive function. Over the past decades, much has been learned about the endocrine mechanisms that mediate the influences of exercise on the availability of metabolic fuels for remodeling skeletal muscle and for athletic performance. During exercise elevations in many of the hormones regulate the mobilization of metabolic fuels from energy stores in various tissues throughout the body and the uptake and utilization of those fuels by working muscles. After exercise, hormones regulate the replenishment of those stores, as well as the repair and remodeling of skeletal muscles and other tissues, to better cope with repetitions of the exercise. The synthesis of hormones, sensitivity of receptors, and amount of hormone released are all affected by exercise training. This information will help the participants of the seminar have a better understanding of those aspects of the endocrine system, which are vital to comprehending the specific effects of acute exercise and chronic adaptations to various types of exercise training.

JD: What should our readers and attendees expect to see in your presentation at The 2013 Seminar?

MK: Because hormones in part mediate both performance and recovery from exercise of all types, a thorough understanding of the endocrine system is very important for an exercise professional. You will come across such topics as “anabolic drugs” every day. Understanding how the endocrine system works during exercise and what hormones are involved in different processes will help give you the needed insights into how the athlete’s body works.
Think, for example, about the physiological arousal that occurs in athletes prior to the start of a big game or match. The endocrine glands are very much involved in this arousal phenomenon, most notably epinephrine. The fight-or-flight phenomenon can have a large psychological component, especially when the athlete knows what is coming. In a Davis Cup match, competitors were found to have dramatically higher epinephrine concentrations compared with practice conditions. Thus, athletes have to deal with a competitive environment that is quite different from practice, to simulate the so-called “feel of the game” by exposing the athletes in training to conditions similar to those of competition.
During my 21 year academic career in the USSR and 14 years of teaching Exercise Physiology to American students at Kent State University, I gained the experience of simplifying complicated biochemical and physiological concepts, making them interesting and enjoyable to “digest” by the students. Equipped with my personal teaching and research experience, I will help attendees to get to the bottom of sometimes elusive mechanisms of metabolism and the role of hormones in its regulation during exercise.

JD: Thanks for your time Dr. Kalinski. We look forward to having you on campus for the 2013 Seminar. Please put any closing thoughts below.

MK: As Research Vice President of the Kiev State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport I was responsible, in part, for overseeing the Institute’s Research Laboratory with about 100 scientists, who, among other things, were monitoring athletes of several National USSR and Ukrainian teams. During the 1970s and 1980s I was a frequent speaker at the seminars (total 53 seminars), featuring USSR and Ukrainian National teams’ coaches and athletes in rowing, handball, cycling, weight lifting, boxing, soccer, etc. I was following the USSR’s and Ukraine’s National teams at their training camps during the summer in Crimea and Carpathian region (Ukraine), Moscow (Russia), Vilnius and Trakay (Lithuania), Riga (Latvia), and during winter times in Middle Asia (Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tadzhikistan). It was an enjoyable experience serving the world’s elite coaches and athletes – winners of all around gold medals at the majority of the Olympic Games during the second half of 20th century. I expect the valuable interactions at your seminar as well.

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