High Performance Management, the performance director’s handbook- Fergus Connolly

“The only truly successful leaders are ones who are authentic to themselves and who have had good ethics because it will catch up to you in the end.”

In this month’s exclusive lecture in The Strength Coach Network, Fergus Connolly joins us to discuss the back bones of a performance director’s program. Fergus has been around the world working with a vast array of teams and sports, and what he has learned in that 20-year voyage is the basis of this presentation.

Fergus starts out discussing with us the three broad areas that can lead to you being a successful performance director. He dissects three area’s as they are the driving force behind what we are trying to do, and ties them into the professional skills that are required to be a successful performance director. This list of 13 skills is elaborated on quite deeply, but leadership skills are where Fergus decided to cover for a majority of this presentation.

The first aspect of this is self-awareness and understanding your identity as a person to drive your leadership strategies. There are so many different types of leaders and leadership styles, but as soon as you start to try to be someone else you lose the athletes. This drives right into Fergus describing what performance leadership means, and what six qualities drive this, and the one that Fergus evaluates the deepest is vision. Not just vision of the performance director, but the vision of the department. This idea of vision is also broken down into three different aspects for coaches to have a better ability to incorporate these ideas and drive their programs forward.

This fantastic 46-minute talk provides some sensational incite and advise for coaches looking to move into more of that performance director role, and gives some great idea’s as to how you can be better. After watching this I can tell you that I have had many more questions that I’m asking myself about how I’m progressing as a professional and taken a step back to look in the mirror to see if I’m doing everything possible to drive the vison and direction of where we want to go as a department. In short, this talk is helping me and my staff be better.

You can find sensational content just like this in The Strength Coach Network. As a member of The Strength Coach Networks, you can access over 200 hours of the highest-level lecture content just like this one for 48 hours for only $1. Follow the link below to sign up and use the code CVASPS at check out to get a 48 hour trial for only $1. Check out The Strength Coach Network Here!

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You can find sensational content just like this in The Strength Coach Network. As a member of The Strength Coach Networks, you can access over 200 hours of the highest-level lecture content just like this one for 48 hours for only $1. Follow the link below to sign up and use the code CVASPS at check out to get a 48 hour trial for only $1. Check out The Strength Coach Network Here! https://strengthcoachnetwork.com/cvasps/

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