Flashback Friday, The 2015 Seminar, Dr. Ben Peterson-Using Data To Improve Metabolic Specificity and Conditioning for Team Sport Athletes

“This is still early on in development of this stuff and not everyone has access to be able to do this eventually you will because it’s the evolution of all technology it gets smaller it gets cheaper everybody does it”

The 2015 edition of The Seminar brought the return of (now) Dr. Ben Peterson to provide a follow up to his amazing talk from 2013. The presentation starts with Dr. Peterson breaking down his reasoning behind his dissertation, why he felt that there is a great need for change in terminology for how we look at energy system activity, and what his alternative view is. This leads right into Ben breaking down issues that he sees with research and the reasoning behind how and why they came up with the evaluation he used in his dissertation including the things he would change in the test to look at different things. Ben dives a bit deeper into the analytics of his dissertation and the training plan that he came up with. Ben breaks down the entire program, and how he would alter it based on athlete tracking to better individualize the training. This includes a breakdown of an athlete and how that info fits into the program.

For more on this awesome talk, follow the link here: https://cvasps.com/product/dr-ben-peterson-using-data-to-improve-metabolic-specificity-and-conditioning-for-team-sport-athletes-digital-2/

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