Flashback Friday, The 2015 Seminar, Erik Korem- High-Performance Fact vs Fiction

“As a track and field coach, that is high performance. That’s really all it is. You control the physical, mental, technical tactical, intellectual development of your athlete. It’s all in your control.”

Erik Korem joined us for The 2015 Seminar to discuss what exactly “High Performance” is. Erik starts out sharing with us his voyage that started him as a walk on at Texas A & M, that lead him to being part of building the High-Performance Department at UK. This backstory leads right into what his role was at UK and where he sees it fitting in the entire athlete centered model they developed. He then touches upon changing the culture of the team and how they have attacked that challenge. Erik then breaks down each part of their program. He shares with us their Impact Leadership program including how it was built, and how each factor contributes to their team’s development. Next, he discusses how they hope to build self-management in their athletes based on their program, and how having the athletes follow the idea of earning your monitoring has led to better buy in and greater success. This ties into the idea of fluid periodization and how that impacted the development of their student athletes. Another aspect of their high-performance program is the technical/tactical aspect of football. Erik shares with us how they have changed different aspects of the players days to and training based on the time of the year in order to help the athletes better learn the technical/tactical aspects of the game. He discusses the mental aspect of high performance next, including what they are doing in the realm of sports psychology for their athletes. He finishes off by sharing with us where the program is heading, and what they are hoping to accomplish as the progress forward.

For more, and to download this awesome talk, follow the link here:

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