Flash Back Friday, 2013- Dr. Michael Kalinski- Hormones in Sport and Exercise

“The major purpose is to discuss the influence of pre-exercise arousal on sympathoadrenal neurohomones (epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine) on muscular force expression during resistance exercise.”

If you tend to “nerd out” when it comes to the history of training, and/or the scientific break down of specific physiological adaptations to training, this presentation will be right up your alley.

Dr. Michael Kalinski joined us in 2013 to give a run-down of his research in the hormonal responses to physical training. In his past professional experience Dr. Kalinski worked closely with many coaches in the old USSR and presented at multiple events in front of national level coaches prior to coming to the USA, where he now teaches at Murray State University. The presentation starts with a run-down of his career, which started with coaching modern pentathlon, then leading to being the chair of the department of exercise biochemistry at Kiev Institute of Physical Culture. He shares with us some very unique information that revolves around his involvement in the classified programs starting in 1972 beginning with the testosterone studies. He was the first person to receive and read the program. He gives us a great rundown of what they were looking at, and other forms of doping that were researched and evaluated by his program in the USSR.

When we get through the doping programs (many of which were based on hormonal research) Dr. Kalinski gets into the actual training responses that we, as coaches, illicit in and around training. He provides an incredible breakdown of the effects of sympathoadrenal neurohomones in training, all the way down to the cellular level.  These studies look at Acute Heavy Resistance Exercise Protocol (AHREP) which is 6×10 at 80% 1RM in squats and its impact on hormone quantities. These studies where done by him and his team back in the USSR. They looked at everything from those mentioned above, to glucose and lactate levels, to fatigue levels. This study lead to another study to look at “force maintainers” vs “force reducers” and what, hormonally, was different between them. Not only does he give us the results, but then dives down into the interpretations of these results and what conclusions he has come to. He also looks at the effects of endurance training, or as he refers to is as long duration exercise. These evaluations are extremely in depth and provide fantastic direction for coaches. Mike closes with his three conclusions based on these studies.

To download this amazing presentation, follow the link below:


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