Exclusive Strength Coach Network Lecture- Google Sheets Data Management by Scott Kuehn

This month’s exclusive lecture in The Strength Coach Network comes from The College of William and Mary’s Athletic Performance Coach and Coordinator of Data Science, Scott Keuhn. Scott shares with us how to better utilize Google Sheets to manage your data and communicate it with both athletes and coaches. Scott starts out with the “settings tab.” Which is the backbone of everything you’ll be able to do with Google Sheets, leading all the way to Acute/Chronic Workload monitoring. This includes:

  • How to set up a “counting” formula, and which “count” to use
  • Exponentially moving averages, and how you set that up
  • How to set up the “roster” and organize by class and/or position

The next page he reviews is the form responses page, which in this case is all their wellness questionnaire answers. This will allow them to visualize their subjective readiness. First, he shows how a google form can input directly to that sheets page. Next, he shows how to create a data point to pull the values that you’re looking to use, using rolling averages, standard deviations, z-scores, how to repeat this process for multiple data points (i.e. the questions asked in the questionnaire), how to bring all of these “scores” to a “wellness score” at the end, and how an add on called “Copy Down” can make your life so much easier when doing this.

The third page he discusses is the training load entry point page. Scott shows us multiple formulas that will make adding data much more efficient for the person entering the data. This includes adding dates, v-look ups for grouping training weeks, building and calculating training load for training and games including those who do not play, acute/chronic formulas, and monotony vs strain values.

This leads him into building the graphs and visualizing the data. He starts with showing us the importance of a status bar, and how to build one to best organize the data, including a few quick ways to fill info and move data across sheets and throughout the same sheet to make the process more efficient. He then shares with us how to data validation can help coaches set up multiple menus and visualizations, and how conditional formatting can give better aesthetics in their dashboards. Next, he dives into how to add info related to the team as a whole, this way you’re able to see and communicate and see how the team is dealing with training and look at how each athlete is doing in relation to the whole squad.

This fantastic 90 plus-minute lecture can only be found in The Strength Coach Network. You’ll find this, along with a library of over 100 fantastic lectures, including all of those from The Central Virginia Sport Performance Seminar. To dive into all the world class information, hop over to https://strengthcoachnetwork.com/cvasps/and get your first 48 hours for only $1!

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