The Drew Review: Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story by Arnold Schwarzenegger with Peter Petre

drew-review“My definition of living is to have excitement always; that’s the difference between living and existing.”- A. Schwarzenegger

ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, the man, the myth, the legend. Total Recall is fascinating, full of little facts and happenings in and around the life of Arnold from his upbringing in Austria to his reign as governor of California. I was especially blown away by all the influential people Arnold has met and became friends with during his life, such as; Muhammad Ali, Wilt Chamberlain, the Dalai Lama, Andy Warhol, Grace Jones, George Bush, Bill Clinton, Warren Buffet, Sly Stallone and Reg Park to name a few. Also, another aspect of Arnold’s world I found interesting was the impact he has had on so many different worlds of people. Everyone knows Arnold from his acting and bodybuilding career, but this book you get a deeper understanding as to what was drove the man to become the best at everything he did and feel his sadness when he made mistakes or had regrets.

5a0b080b-dc08-49b9-8dce-d594ad8f03e0The book is long spanning over 600 pages and 30 chapters but being such an entertaining read it will blow by in no time. As briefly stated in the first paragraph, Total Recall begins with life in Austria and his fascination with bodybuilding and being able to truly build something from scratch with hard work and determination. The next “section” discusses his arrival in America and his continued dominance in the sport of bodybuilding and slowly moves toward his acting career. Lastly, the book finishes with Arnold’s career as a politician and describes “Arnold’s Rules” or his advice he would like to pass on to the people that read this book (some incredible stuff in the last chapter!). A strength coach reading Total Recall will find a whole new appreciation for a living legend that knows a thing or two about lifting weights, as well as one helluva an entertaining outlook on life and lessons we can all learn something from.

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