The Drew Review: The Brave Athlete: Calm the F*ck Down and Rise to the Occasion by Simon Marshall and Lesley Paterson

drew-review“The real challenge is that you must earn a brave life, not just learn about it or wish it.”- S. Marshall

The Brave Athlete was a Christmas present from my brother-in-law and sister, and they decided to get it for me on a whim because in their words it looked “sporty.” I didn’t know what to expect from this book simply because I didn’t know it existed, but it turned out a friend of mine bought her brother (who is a triathlete) this book in hopes to help him accomplish his goals in his endurance sport. So, I assumed this would only appeal to endurance athletes but I was surprisingly mistaken. When you read The Brave Athlete you will begin to understand why this is geared towards endurance sports athletes, because let’s be honest you have to be a little nuts to endure events like a marathon, half marathon, triathlon, etc.; but this book addresses the mental struggle every athlete faces when competing against someone or their own self-doubt.  Addressing the solutions to the common feeling most athletes exhibit either externally or internally, such as; I feel fat, I keep screwing up, I don’t cope well with injury, I don’t like leaving my comfort zone, just to name a few.  Being a “brave” athlete is the ultimate goal of this book and within these pages are a detailed plan of attack to accomplish your goal within the mental aspect of sport. I am extremely happy for having read this book and have actually re-read it already!

5a0b080b-dc08-49b9-8dce-d594ad8f03e0At its core, The Brave Athlete is a sports psychology book meant to help you (the athlete) become passionate, mentally ready, and a better athlete in the sport you find yourself competing in. There are 3 parts to this book and 13 chapters in total.  The first part deals with finding who you are as a person and discovering your passion if you don’t have one.  The second is all about dealing with the things that are most challenging in sports; the obstacles, setbacks, and personal conflicts. Lastly, the third part explains new tools to help you fight back from the emotional and physical influences in front of you to help you find success as an athlete, not just on the field but in life.  Strength coaches who want to help athletes in their mental game should get this book! There are easy to follow exercises that anyone could use to delve a little deeper into issues that could be holding those athletes back from performing their best.

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