The Drew Review: 1776 by David McCullough

drew-review“The year 1776 is over. I am heartily glad of it and I hope you nor America will ever be plagued with such another.”– Robert Morris

I have always been fascinated with American history and in particular the Revolutionary War period. 1776 is an incredible depiction of what life in America (particularly in the states of Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey) was like during this time. The main character if you will, for this book is George Washington; and the pages detail the struggle he went through to organize and mobilize this brand new army of misfits and novices of the “military life.” It is crazy to think that such an inexperienced group of individuals could take on the greatest military and naval force in the world at the time and come out of it on top. When reading this book you might be confused slightly as to the rest of the story, and what I mean is that 1776 only covers that specific year in the Revolutionary War. Of course the Declaration of Independence was signed during this year but so many things happen that are paramount to the result of the War for Independence that McCullough felt there needed to be an entire book devoted to it.

Drew Review 11761776 is a little over 350 pages and there are 3 distinct sections that McCullough has the reader examine. Section I, titled “The Siege;” is about the Siege at Boston. Section II, titled “Fateful Summer;” discusses all of the movements both the British and American forces took during the summer of 1776. Lastly, Section III, titled “The Long Retreat;” sets the stage for further battles after George Washington and his Continental Army are forced to retreat from New York. This is an entertaining read and it’s a great story that highlights just a few things in American history that helps to illustrate how we got to where we are today as a country.  Strength coaches should read this book if they love America. If you find that you don’t love America then this might not be the book for you.

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