Coaches Corner #9 – Jeff Moyer – DC Sports Training Progressions and Trouble Shooting The GHR

In this edition of The Coaches Corner, DC Sports Training’s Jeff Moyer breaks down many of the ministrations of how the Glute Ham Raise is supposed to be executed. Learning directly from the man who invented the exercise, Dr. Michael Yessis, Jeff goes through a step by step as to how to perform this movement to the specs that Doc designed it. This includes:

1) Set up of the machine, including set up and foot placement.
2) Setting the back
3) The Hip Extension Portion
4) Knee Bend/Toe Press
5) Necessary ROM

Once he has given this breakdown Jeff shares with us some common ways the exercise is performed in a different manner than Doc originated.

Following that Jeff shares with us some variations of this exercise that they can utilize. These include:

1) Eccentric Emphasis
2) Iso-Dynamic
3) The “Plyo” Version

He shares the technical execution and set and rep prescriptions of these means.

Many people use this exercise but have never seen how Doc has taught it, nor known the reason why he has designed the exercise in the manner he did. Although these changes may seem minimal the actual impact on sport performance results in sprinting and COD is exceptional. Hopefully this can help with your prescription of this commonly mistakenly performed exercise and increase the carry over to how your athletes perform in their sporting exercises.

We are hoping to provide the best possible content for strength coaches with each of our shows. If feel this could provide value for anyone else in the strength and conditioning field please feel free to share.


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