Accentuated Eccentric Loading For Strength/Power Athletes with John Wagle

John Wagle joins Strength Coach Network to bring us a fantastic overview and discussion on Accentuated Eccentric Loading (AEL). He begins by giving a brief overview of the role of resistance training and performance improvements in sport, and the basic principles that will lead to those improvements. He then reviews the actualdefinition of AEL, and gives a brief review of the research and differentiates between different ways of applying AEL including giving a visual example usingweight releasers.

Next John get’s into the science behind AEL in relation to potentiation in max strength in reference to actually what the physiology and mechanisms are to why it is beneficial and has transfer to max strength. He then touches upon how AEL can be utilized to potentiate plyometrics and discusses some key points for coaches to make sure they keep in mind when prescribing this method. The adaptations that occur with strength/power athlete’s when utilizing AEL is his next topic of discussion followed by some practical applications for utilizing AEL including some guidelines on loading options and where it can fit into a training program based on the research and personal hypothesis.

John finishes off sharing the list of references that they are utilizing in his research paper for coaches to take a look at.

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