​​Lecture #8 – ​Brett Bartholomew:​ ​​Confessions of an S&C Coach – What We Know, Won’t Admit, and How We are Holding Our Profession Back

“We can program a squat at a range of 83-85% of ones 1 repetition maximum, but if the athlete or athletes don’t care about that at the same level that we do, which often times isn’t the case because strength coaches we like lifting weights. The majority of us were average to slightly above average athletes. We wanted every edge we could find, but not every athlete is like that. We often make this faulty prediction that if we write it in our program that they are performing this exercise at the upmost, or critical level of intensity necessary to derive that adaptation. I didn’t find that was always the case.”

Brett Bartholomew breaks down some of the many things he has learned in the past 13 years of coaching athlete’s around the world in this exceptional exclusive lecture. This discussion starts out with him diving into how he has educated himself throughout his career. This started back with him as a GA and looking at all the books he could find on everything from periodization to plyometrics, and how this constant barrage of the “same song and dance” started to burn him out. This is what led him to look more into cognitive sciences. As he dives deeper down this rabbit hole of the why’s to his devotion to this topic he shares some of issues he came across in his research and how that continued to drive him forward. This leads right into a fantastic discussion on exposure vs. experience and how these two words are so influential and impactful in coaching.

Next, he touches upon some aspects of training. His approach is a very mixed method, and Brett gets into quite a bit of it. He shares with us how he develops strength in his athlete’s, and why he is choosing these different methods and how metrics impact those decisions. This leads him into how he sets up programming, and what drives each decision he makes with selecting and progressing exercises. This includes strength training and movement skills.

He then dives into coaching, an aspect that Brett has really focused on of late. People battle back and forth over whether the profession is an art or a science, when in reality it’s both. He ties in a lot of the topics in his book into actual practical reasons as to why each point he covered fits in our field. He shares a fantastic story about a situation he had to handle and what the driving factors were behind the situation to connect that full circle.

Brett finishes off with a call to action for the longevity of the profession. That call to action is to work together as opposed to the constant competition and fighting that goes on. Along with that he calls for all of us to share more openly instead of tearing each other down with every last post made.

This lecture is a look directly into all of Brett’s work, from his work with athletes to his present work he’s doing for the profession. His openness and honesty about what he is doing with his athletes and what he’s working on and researching for the profession are fantastic.

We are hoping to provide the best possible content for strength coaches with each of our shows. If feel this could provide value for anyone else in the strength and conditioning field please feel free to share.


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