The Drew Review: The Manual Vol. 3 Chapter 3: Periodization for People: Operationalizing the Art of Coaching by Brett Bartholomew

“The fact of the matter is that it is time for coach education to shift away from mere conceptualization….and instead focus on creating more competent and adaptive professionals…” –B. Bartholomew

Brett Bartholomew is someone I’m sure you have heard of either on social media or going around on the conference circuit. Everything he says, or writes is profoundly thorough and direct. He is in the business of helping strength coaches relate to their athletes in a way to produce true relationships and from those relationships come better results on and off the field of play. This chapter is no different and talks about the difference between reductionist coaching and conscious coaching (I know you have heard of this concept if you haven’t Google Conscious Coaching now!) as a means of discussing the complexity in coaching someone. Bartholomew is a trend setter in the field of strength and conditioning right now and this chapter dares you to get outside your frame of mind and consider another way to make an impact on the athletes you train.

For more or to grab your copy of The Manual, Vol. 3 follow the link here:

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