Peak Performance: Elevate Your Game, Avoid Burnout, and Thrive with the New Science of Success by Brad Stulberg and Steve Magness

drew-review“Stress demands rest, and rest supports stress.”

– Stulberg and Magness

Peak Performance was one of the easiest books I have ever read. While there are plenty of research and literature references Stulberg and Magness fall back on, this book reads like a memoir. This aspect is what I liked most about this book; the real-life examples the authors draw upon to convey their points and then use science to further support their points. All the topics and examples are presented in ways that the reader can easily comprehend and apply to their own life. A lot of books are geared toward improving performance; this book is no different in that endeavor, but what this book offers is a chance to help people, or yourself, get better without all the typical fluff or constant repetition. After reading this book you will find yourself reviewing how you have done things in the past and discover new ways to optimize your performance.
5a0b080b-dc08-49b9-8dce-d594ad8f03e0A little over 200 pages; this book is either a quick read or a few hours of listening. There are 9 chapters in all with 3 different sections labeled, “The Growth Equation,” “Priming,” and “Purpose.” These sections help you the coach or athlete, understand stress, prepare for success, and find your reason to perform. Also, throughout each chapter there are “Performance Practices,” which help the reader act on the information they are digesting. This book should be on your shelf because a. it’s simple to read so there is no excuse, and b. Peak Performance is true to it’s title… will help you and your athletes succeed.


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