The Drew Review: Faster, Higher, Stronger: How Sports Science is Creating a New Generation of Super Athletes and What We Can Learn from Them, by Mark McClusky

drew-reviewDrew’s Review:

“The ability to learn faster than your competitors may be the only sustainable competitive advantage.” – M. Mccluskey

This book is absolutely incredible and just plain fun to read. To give a brief description of this book does not do the book or anyone that wants to read it justice. Although, I would caution a potential reader that prior knowledge of different sports performance tech and the latest ergogenic aids would be helpful, but by no means does the book go into excruciating detail that anyone could not follow. Faster, Higher, Stronger is certainly a book about “sports science” but that should not scare off anyone that does not like to get too ‘techy’ with their own program. I read this book simply because I am a sports fan, but I also happen to be interested in the inner workings that sports science gives when talking about our favorite sports.

c7470f3d-4b7a-4e40-9210-5dde1e640f0eEach chapter examines a different sports science theme, and with titles such as, “Gold Medal Genetics”, “What Getting Tired Means”, and “Learning to Be the Best”; McClusky does a great job at covering a lot of topics with clarity and thoroughness. I particularly liked the fact that this book was written recently, because the sports science field is, like most fields, ever changing. What you can expect from this book is a clear picture of what sports science looks like today and how even the smallest of marginal gains are being examined and utilized by the best of the best in sports.

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