Season 4 Episode 27 Carson Randall- “It’s getting back to the root of what they’re asking”

Today I have the pleasure of sitting down and discussing the development of the physical preparation programming for H2F with Carson Randall. Carson is leading the way with the development of the H2F programming, and all of its branches, helping to better prepare the best of the best, the American Soldier. Throughout the greater then 30-minute discussion Carson and I get into:

1) Where a military background both helps and hinders in the tactical training world
2) Things that coaches need to understand when making the transition to the tactical side
3) How defining terms, or at least coming together on the goals of the higher ups, is a game changer
4) Comfortable lifestyles effect on how they need to program for soldiers, and how it could be a positive for their realm of the profession
5) Making a scalable training system on a grand scale using basic and simple assessments
6) Why general training, is always general, and its supportive nature to the specific, if it’s team sport or the military
7) Educations vital role within boot camp with preparing the soldiers to make better decisions once they’re moved around the world

Such and awesome look into a unique training environment, I can’t thank Carson enough for spending the time with us today and being so open and candid in his sharing. Physical preparation for the tactical “athlete” is a realm in our vocation that is growing by the year, and a lot is due to the great work that Carson is doing with H2F, laying the foundation for more strength coaches to build upon. As with all our content, if you found value in the discussion please feel free to share the show with a colleague, and if you haven’t yet, please subscribe to the show on our favorite podcast player to stay up to date with all our shows.


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