Season 3 Episode 12- Beacher Porter “You’ve got to have a plan B ready to go”

This episode has been a long time coming. I’ve mentioned him quite often in the old “My Thoughts Monday” shows as being a vital part of our “Q Team”, and it’s about time I brought him onto the show. Throughout the X minute discussion Beacher and I get into:

  • What is the first “marker” that we look at when we start to develop out programs, and, even though we find success in similar programs, there is a huge need for there to be some major differences
  • Ways that he evaluates the team that have impacted how programming is progressed and helped display what their level of “preparedness” is.
  • Where he feels the largest challenge in “practical periodization”, including what has helped him drive those decisions.
  • If there is confusion on the thoughts of periodization and training progressions where it could have stemmed from.
  • How the subjective and objective progression of programming is a give and take process that has allowed better individualization to training and greater buy in by the athletes towards their development.
  • Using the warm up as your evaluation, injury reduction work, and preparation for the exercises that they’re going to perform.

Beacher has been vital to our development as a staff and his input into the programming of our athlete’s has been a huge help in how we have progressed.  Make sure you give him a follow-on Instagram @alphacoach1 to see what he’s building in the training of all the teams he gets to work with. If you enjoyed the talk please feel free to subscribe and give us a 5-star review! It’s greatly appreciated.


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