Season 3 Episode 11- Steve Georgio “What’s the culture summed up in one word?”

I’m so happy to welcome Steve Georgio to The Podcast this week. Steve has been doing awesome work up at Fordham going through a very unique and trying three years, surviving three different head coaching changes in that time period, leading up to a fantastic season this year. Throughout the 30 plus minute discussion Steve and I talk about

  • The importance of loyalty in a world and vocation that really lacks it at times
  • In a time where specializing in one sport is the norm, how working with multiple sports has helped him be ready for a vast array of situations, changes, curve balls
  • Key thoughts and themes of the conversations that he has had to better understand the direction a team is going to go with new coaches during times of transition
  • Understanding our role within the team, and how that changes, not just throughout the year, but season to season as teams change
  • How expanding your coaching skill set, through many different forms of education, is great, but doing so directed by the needs of the athletes and coaches is even better
  • Providing ever green content and “meeting the athletes where they’re at” through different mediums to help provide more education for the athletes

Make sure to give Steve a follow-on IG and twitter @georg1o and follow his performance team @rams_strength, they’re doing great stuff and putting out great content. If you enjoyed the talk please feel free to subscribe and give us a 5-star review! It’s greatly appreciated


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