My Thoughts Monday #19-Chris Hays, University of Louisville-Work Life Balance

“We need to take care of ourselves first, not selfishly, not even considering the idea of being selfish or not willing to put in the work. We need to take care of ourselves first so we can take care of our athlete’s even better.”

This weeks My Thoughts Monday, Louisville’s Chris Hays reviews a letter that he wrote at the end of this tenure at George Washington University. This letter lead to a good friend “calling him out” for what he was doing. He asks the question as to how much this “badge of honor” is truly worth, and what are the sacrifices we, as coaches, are making truly worth it? This isn’t to question work ethic, or to say long day’s are bad, it’s a question as to how we can stay grounded more and not burn out as much. The issues that leads to a lot of these hours is that we do not quantify and qualify our work, and Chris touches upon idea’s with that to make sure that people are at their peek. He closes out by discussing what “success” as a strength and conditioning coach mean’s to him.


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