My Thoughts Monday #18-Aaron Heishman, Progressing The Professions and Your Institution Through Collaborating

“Science is a way of thinking and it’s an approach to answering and solving a problem. It doesn’t necessarily matter if the scientists on your campus study exactly the research questions you have, but they may bring new insights and new lenses that can really support the things you’re doing and better help you better understand and help guide you in making training decisions.”

University of Oklahoma’s Aaron Heishman shfares with us his thoughts on collaboration between sport performance and academia in today’s My Thoughts Monday. Aaron is in a unique position working on his PhD at Oklahoma while working with Men’s and Women’s Basketball.  He discusses how academia can help in a “checks and balances” type situation in helping with formulating and assisting in ways to look at data, and how connections across campus can assist in building relationships with internships and graduate assistants and lead to massive improvements. His finishes discussing the issues with academia most likely not being the individuals to reach out to collaborate due to many factors, even though many would like to be involved.

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