My Thoughts Monday #94- Jay DeMayo- Transfer of Training Is Not A Myth

“While you increase their ability to perform you perform, you then will decrease their likelihood of injury because you’ve put them in situations where they are going to be stressed similarly to not just practice, but competition.”

There has been an uptick in the number of people discussing the role of the weight room in athletic development of late. This is awesome because it’s driving some really good conversation, but also some really gross click bait when it comes to people putting out some content. In this weeks My Thought’s Monday I share with you some examples of people who are doing a great job of displaying this and how we can use what they’re doing as a driver to how we can be better in our programming, progressions, and outcomes associated with each. 

We are hoping to provide the best possible content for strength coaches with each of our shows. If feel this could provide value for anyone else in the strength and conditioning field please feel free to share.

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