MY THOUGHTS MONDAY #121- Finding a “Model” For a Performance Team

“The more you make it about us, and not me vs you, the more that relationship will flourish and the better you’ll be for the kids.”

This My Thoughts Monday is brought to you by Vald Performance, the team behind the NordBord, ForceDecks, the GroinBar and HumanTrak. With all their products providing evidence-based solutions to performance professionals so they can get the right information, for the right decision, at the right time. Make sure to go check out all their great products at:

Sometimes social media can lead to some great discussions, and a recent back and forth we had on Twitter on the “medical model” of building a performance department was a great example of that. In this week’s My Thoughts Monday I share some of the pros and cons of this model, and where I feel we have had some success using a modified version of it.

We are hoping to provide the best possible content for strength coaches with each of our shows. If feel this could provide value for anyone else in the strength and conditioning field please feel free to share.


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