Episode 166-Chris Tombs- Preparing Future Performance Coaches

“It’s more about, are you providing the athlete that opportunity to be available next week or the week after?”

This episode of The Podcast is brought to you by Exxentric, the makers of the kBox and kPulley. Exxentric is the world leader in fly wheel training technology providing multiple pieces to fit your budget and needs to better serve your athletes. North American customers looking for more info should contact Andreas at [email protected] or 503-739-1391. All others, or to learn more about the kBox, kPulley and flywheel training, please go to their website at: https://exxentric.com/.

This weeks episode of The Podcast we are joined by Chris Tombs to discuss the role of education in coaching. Chris starts out by sharing with us his international voyage in coaching within rugby from England, Wales, to The US, and back to GB going from coaching to lecturing and mentoring. He then shares with us how he feels his experience as a coach has a positive impact on educating future coaches, as opposed to the typical academic model we see today. This includes the ability to be able to evolve and adapt on the fly to make sure that, not only the players are getting better, but you’re making sure they’re available for all competitions. We then get into discussing how he worked with athletes to make behavioral changes when it comes to nutrition and recovery ideas to help them be better, and at times, how he has “tricked” them into having better choices. We finish off discussing where he sees the direction of academia in training coaches going forward in the future. 

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