Episode 132-Sean Fantuzzi, University of North Dakota- Cover your mouth when you…train?

“That’s why I preach to the guys as much as I can “go to class, go to study hall” because that kind of stuff it shows coaches that you’re willing to prepare. If you’re willing to prepare for class you’re willing to prepare for practices, and it kind of goes hand and hand.”

Today we are joined by University of North Dakota’s Assistant Strength Coach Sean Fantuzzi to talk about training, After a brief introduction Sean starts to break down some of the changes that have been made within the training of his athletes at UND and the driving factors behind the directions they’ve started moving. This leads him straight into discussing how coaching staff changes have impacted his work with the Fighting Hawks student athletes. Next, he touches upon a topic that has been quite ready of late, breathing, and it’s importance in his programming along with how he teaches it based on “Oxygen Advantage” and where he implements this idea. This leads right into the state of stress that student athletes are in, things that contribute to it, how he’s looking at it, and how they’re monitoring practice as a result.

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