Episode 131- Nate Brookreson, NC State-Developing a Collaborative Environment

“The thing that I think is the limiting factor in the college environment is this idea of lack of understanding of other domains, and that we have this inability to clarify or define terms.”

NC State’s Nate Brookreson joins us to discuss the model their athletic department is building in Raleigh. He starts out talking about the developing a standard operating procedure in a collaborative group that includes each department including why they have it set, and what the goals of this group is. This brings him to discussing how vital defining terms and roles are, and how that impacts who takes the lead in certain situations. The definition of terms also has a vast impact on training by providing actual goals and directions to go in. Next, he shares with us the role he sees for measurement, where he see’s importance in the data, and what should lead up to collecting and analyzing data. He finishes off giving specific examples of how they have done this at NC State.

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