Episode 129-Tom Farrow, Arete Performance- Understanding Your Monitoring To Make an Impact

“It all comes back to stimulus adaptation, and it’s just finding that point with who ever you’re working with where you can make a difference. What’s the level that they’re competing at, understanding that as deeply as you can, andn then just knowing what tools you have to make that a little bit harder a little bit easier, and just moving from there”

Today we are joined by Tom Farrow to discuss training on multiple levels. Tom starts out breaking down the idea of “cultivating heroes” and how that fits into what they’re doing at Arete Performance. We then discuss some of the differences in training at the multiple levels he works with, and how the demands of competition (7’s vs Richmond) determines how he handles his athletes. Tom then breaks down the difference between the two games (15’s vs 7’s) and what they look at when developing and monitoring each type of athlete.  This includes how they set up what they monitor and evaluate with their athlete’s and how they break down each team by individual vs position vs team. Tom then shares with us how he sets up their yearly training plans on each level. This leads straight into Tom breaking down the three factors he believes leads to injury and how he manages those three. We finish off talking about the education work that they’re doing at Arete and how that’s helped them drive education in England. 

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