Episode 126-Sam Portland, Ealing Trailfinders-Looking at Fatigue, and How the Playing Surface Impacts It

“What these variables are telling you is how you’re getting to the end product of that jump height essentially, and I think that’s where were we will find with the study, across different positions of rugby, especially sense it carters for a lot of different physical characteristics, that you’ll see how that will change from athlete to athlete.” 

Today we are joined by Ealing Trailfinders’ Sam Portland discussing his research on how playing surfaces impact fatigue in his rugby players.  After a quick intro, Sam starts right in sharing with us the what’s and why’s he’s looking at with his research. Sam breaks down why he’s looking at jumps on a force plate, what metrics they’re examining, and why he has so much interest in looking at if/what effects there are on fatigue based on playing surface. He then breaks down how the data is being collected and why he set it up in this manner.

We then shift gears and start talking about training and programming. Sam breaks down how he’s seen the idea of “less is more” being very successful with some specific athletes going as in-depth as to share us a breakdown of a “14 day roll over” he had great success with. We also discuss some successful methods and progressions he has implemented to improve “game speed” with his athletes.

Make sure to follow him at:

Web site: http://www.sportland.org.uk

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4x_usi6ijNqEfiAVo5bEJw?view_as=public

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sportlandfit/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/SPORTLAND_TNF

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