Episode 124-Dr. Steph Allen, Boston Physical Therapy and Wellness-New Conversations To Have To Look At Female Athlete ACL Injuries

“Exposing an ACL ligament to estradiol in a petri dish type thing resulted in less collagen synthesis and less, what they call fibroblast proliferation. So it’s basically, both things are going to correlate to less tensile strength.”

In this week’s edition of The Podcast I get to sit down and discuss Dr. Steph Allen and discuss ACL injuries in female athletes. After a brief introduction Dr. Allen shares with us the research she has been looking into. These two areas are the neuromuscular training (brain-muscle connection) and hormonal contributions to the risk of injury. This conversation was prompted by a discussion with her colleague about what we have seen with our student athlete’s here. This revolved around twins who had multiple injuries at the same time of the year, and many other female student athlete’s who were injured who’s cycle where at similar parts of their cycle when they were injured. This leads us down a rabbit hole of her discussing literature that she has been diving into that discusses the relationship between specific hormone quantities leading to ligament issues, and what we have seen here with our student athletes. Both of us really hope that this leads coaches to have more in-depth conversations with their athlete’s about their cycles and research into when these injuries occur. As the saying goes, where there’s smoke there’s fire, and there seems to be quite a bit of smoke in this situation. Dr. Allen is putting out awesome content as to what they’re doing at Boston Physical Therapy and Wellness on instagram at @stpehallen.dpt. Make sure to give her a follow!

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