Episode 122-Tony Holler-Plainfield North High School- Herding Cats To Build Speed

“They’ve adopted the idea that I have that being tired is not the goal, being tired is the enemy. Once you start thinking like that you’ve drank the Kool-Aid, and all of a sudden kids will love your program. You’ll get every kid out, and they’ll be ready to play or ready to run.”

In this weeks edition of The Podcast we sit down and talk speed development with Tony Holler. Tony is a chemistry teacher, football coach, track coach in Illinois, and writer. Coach Holler starts out by sharing with us how he breaks down training, and what minimal dose/micro dose means to him. This includes a day by day breakdown of how he programs his work with his sprinters with specific examples of each day. The conversation then turns into how he got to the point where the idea of minimal dosing came to fruition, and why he stayed with these methods. He then touches upon his “Herding Cats”, where it came from, and why it’s been successful.

Tony then breaks down day by day, each goal, and where the parameters came from. He then rolls right into how this program fits with his football team, and how they train. We then discuss some issues with Track Coaches, and where he sees some of the short comings in the set up of teams, along with the fears many football coaches have with his system. We then discuss some of the misconceptions of his programming, and what truly drives the success of what they’re doing with their athletes. He finishes off discussing RPR, how it’s grown, and where he see’s it fitting in with athletic development. Make sure to check him out on Twitter: @PNTrack and at http://trackfootballconsortium.com.

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